The Number 1 Horror Movie On Netflix Is Giant Monster Movie Fans Are Calling “Brilliant” and “Stunning”

Roar Uthaug (still one of the best-named filmmakers working today) of Cold Prey fame has a new, unmissable giant monster movie available now on Netflix. Better still, it’s presently the number one horror movie streaming on the service. In Uthaug’s Troll, Nora Tidemman (Ine Marie Wilmann) is a paleontologist tasked by the Norwegian government with stopping the titular troll after it emerges from the mountains of Dovre. It wastes no time getting to the good stuff, either, making pretty quick work of the expository elements. It’s simply a troll run amok, nothing more, nothing less.
Troll is exceptionally accomplished, with Uthaug recognizing what audiences want, keeping the movie rolling along at a brisk pace, taking troll-sized strides toward its inevitable finale. There’s large-scale destruction, some poignant pathos, and even a handful of Jurassic Park homages that add charm without ever jeopardizing Troll’s own unique identity. It’s big, monstrous fun, a movie imbued with the same Norwegian sensibilities that made Uthaug’s Cold Prey such a stellar slasher and his The Wave such a refreshing disaster movie.
Also Read: Troll 2 is a Trash Masterpiece [So Bad it’s Great]
It’s a shame Netflix hasn’t done better marketing the movie. While it launched on December 1, audiences might be surprised to even see it available at all. It’s certainly got a bigger scale than most Netflix releases, with Uthaug making the most of his budget to deliver plenty of quasi-Monsterverse action. It’s definitely worth checking out, though. Troll is poised to thrill as much as it is to inspire a few misty eyes. It’s one of their strongest original releases in some time, and if nothing else, it’s thrilling to see it catching on in the charts!
Luckily, Twitter is generating some love for the new film, with users singing its praises. Check out some initial reactions below:
Are you planning to check out Troll this week? How many of you have already checked it out? It certainly continues Uthaug’s penchant for subverting Western genre frameworks. Whatever you thought, definitely let us know over on Twitter @Dread Central!