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Source Name: Screen Daily Source Url: Post Thumb: /dec12/smyles.jpg More supernatural shenanigans are heading our way with Ed Stoppard,…

Cover art: reviews/fftowbs.jpg Starring Sheridan Smith, Russell Tovey, Jack O’ Connell, Jill Baker Directed by James Nunn and Ronnie Thompson…

Cover art: reviews/ffgrabs.jpg Starring Richard Coyle, Ruth Bradley, Russell Tovey Directed by Jon Wright When a meteorite crashes into the…

Source Name: “Being Human” on BBC America Source Url: Post Thumb: /jan12/beinghumanukthumb.jpg As we’re sure you’re aware, BBC America’s…

Source Name: “Being Human” on BBC America Source Url: Post Thumb: /jan12/beinghumanukthumb.jpg Yes, we’re fans of the US version…

Source Name: “Being Human” on BBC America Source Url: Post Thumb: /jan12/beinghumanukthumb.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/gallery/bhuk/bhuk5x’, ‘/gallery/bhuk/bhuk2x’, ‘/gallery/bhuk/bhuk3x’, ‘/gallery/bhuk/bhuk4x’, ‘/gallery/bhuk/bhuk1x’,…

Cover art: /reviews/dcnone.jpg Starring Richard Coyle, Ruth Bradley, Russell Tovey Directed by Jon Wright “It’s not a fekkin’ lobster.” Another…

Post Thumb: /jan12/beinghumanukthumb.jpg After being teased for weeks that Series 4 of BBC Three’s “Being Human” is “coming soon”, we…

Source Name: BBC3 Source Url: Post Thumb: /jan12/beinghumanukthumb.jpg It only says “coming soon” with no firm premiere date mentioned,…

Source Name: BBC3 Source Url: Post Thumb: /jan12/tobyw.jpg With its January 16th second season premiere date looming, we’ve been…

Source Name: The Guardian Source Url: Post Thumb: /nov11/bhukthumb.jpg There we were, enjoying our Saturday morning coffee and catching…