Toby Whithouse Talks Being Human (UK) Series 4 Casting Changes, Episode Titles, and More

With its January 16th second season premiere date looming, we’ve been focusing on Syfy’s version of “Being Human”, but the original UK show on which it’s based is about to debut its fourth series on BBC3 later this month, and creator Toby Whithouse has fired up his blog to pass on a few tidbits of what we can expect. In addition, we’ve come across the titles of all eight Series 4 episodes, which we’re happy to share.
Below are the highlights per Whithouse (click here for the whole enchilada):
Every year we set ourselves the task of creating something bigger and bolder and better than anything that’s happened before. We knew this year was going to be especially tough because of the various cast changes. Not only would it be our first series without Aidan, but Russell had decided his “Being Human” journey was also coming to an end. The mountain before us seemed even higher than usual.
But another way of looking at it was that Series 4 was a blank page. And speaking as someone who has had to face a blank page pretty much every day for the last thirteen or so years, I saw it as an opportunity: We could create new characters, expand the show in different directions, create new worlds and monsters and heroes. Once we started looking at it like that, it became a genuinely thrilling prospect.
The thing I’m most proud of is the new set of characters… Damien Molony joins the team as Hal. Hand on heart, I think he’s one of the most exciting and versatile actors of his generation. Watching his performance grow over the filming was a joy.
Then there’s Michael Socha [werewolf Tom]. Promoted from semi-reg to lead cast. If you thought he was good in Series 3, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Michael will break your heart this year.
And of course beautiful Lenora. Our star. The heart of the show. And this year she gives a truly breathtaking performance…
But the innovations and treats aren’t just restricted to your telly-box. This year we’re offering more additional online content than ever before. Look out for in-depth peeks into new and returning characters plus exclusive prequels to whet your appetite in the run up to Episode One. Then, as the series progresses, we’ll be giving you a whole host of extra materials in the form of online-only scenes, photos, letters, and audio. In fact, you’re going to need to stay glued to this blog because we’ll be releasing a new piece of content every single day during the transmission of Series 4! Some will contain clues to unlocking the mystery at the heart of Series 4, and some will just be tasty insights or snapshots or explorations of the worlds and characters we’ve created. It will be up to you to work out what is important and what is not…
Dig on the episode titles below, and for more be sure to visit “Being Human” on BBC3.
1. “Eve of the War”
2. “Being Human 1955”
3. “The Graveyard Shift”
4. “A Spectre Calls”
5. “Hold the Front Page”
6. “Puppy Love”
7. “Making History”
8. “The War Child”
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