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One of Dread’s most popular releases of 2019 was Candy Corn, a 1980’s era retro slasher set in a carnival!…

Harrison B. Smith’s Death House has become a highly-anticipated flick around these parts. Undoubtedly, one of the film’s most notable aspects…

She’s one of the most iconic and enduring females in horror history: Carrie White. She is a shy, friendless 17-year-old…

The cast of the upcoming film William Froste is starting to look like the guest list for a horror convention.…

Cover art: reviews/halloween-blu-ray-35-s.jpg Starring Jamie Lee Curtis, Donald Pleasence, P.J. Soles, Nancy Loomis Directed by John Carpenter Distributed by Anchor…

Post Thumb: /stock/myers.jpg You really can’t help but love P.J. Soles: the ribboned pigtails, the infectious smile, and the look…

Post Thumb: /feb12/ddds.jpg Hey there, fiends! Last week was an absolutely incredible week! The show has hit a landmark –…

Post Thumb: /may12/squs.jpg Comic Book Divas is a comic publishing company founded and run by comic enthusiast Jeff Hughes. To…

When will we ever learn? STAY OUT OF THE WOODS! There’s no fun to be had there! Just murder, mayhem,…

Gutterballs co-executive producer Dan Walton got in touch with us over the weekend to give us the latest on his…

More casting news has slipped out regarding Dan Walton’s directorial debut, Bind. Some original Halloween firepower has joined the growing…