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Post Thumb: /dec12/gabs.jpg With Anchor Bay Films’ psychological rape/revenge feature Girls Against Boys opening theatrically in New York and Los…

Post Thumb: /dec12/gabs.jpg With Anchor Bay Films’ psychological rape/revenge feature Girls Against Boys opening theatrically in New York and Los…

Post Thumb: /dec12/gabs.jpg Every now and again a piece of artwork comes along which absolutely speaks for itself. In the…

Source Name: Apple Source Url: Post Thumb: /dec12/gabs.jpg Feeling a bit of winter chill? Then you’ll want to check…

Source Name: The IMP Awards Source Url: Post Thumb: /dec12/gabs.jpg Anchor Bay has released the first official theatrical one-sheet…

Post Thumb: /mar12/gabs.jpg Looking for some indie fun in the new year? Depending on your location you’ll be able to…

Post Thumb: /aug11/p3dds.jpg If you’ve been looking forward to Piranha 3DD but missed its theatrical and VOD window, do not…

Source Name: MovieHole Source Url: Post Thumb: /aug11/p3dds.jpg Today’s the day that

Post Thumb: /aug11/p3dds.jpg The verdict is in, kids! John Gulager’s insane sequel to last year’s Piranha 3D is nearly here,…