13th Friday, The (2017)

Starring Lisa May, Khu, Melissa L. Vega
Directed by Justin Price
Attempting to align itself alongside the legendary franchise, The 13th Friday comes off more like a failed try at a pseudo-slasher film, and aside from a couple of decent scenes, there’s far too much lost in the delivery, and this one never really got out of the starting blocks with enough vigor in order to sustain the long haul.
The movie focuses on a group of young adults that are searching for some real thrills (aren’t they all), and the prospect of shacking up for the evening in a supposedly haunted house is simply too much too much to pass up, and needless to say we’ve got some seriously intelligent fans that read articles on this site, and they’d be able to sniff this premise out in a solid heartbeat. A long while back, frightened townspeople constructed a church next to the house maybe thinking that whatever evil resided inside of it would be repelled upon an attempted “exit” – and the beat goes on. In the midst of the group’s infinite boredom, they come across a puzzle box of sorts (the imitation does not stop) and unleash said evil spirits that were supposedly locked up, and a rampaging faction of worshipers begin their hunt for a nice, meaty sacrifice to offer up to a vile demon.
The movie’s pursuit of getting the audience to follow along in the first half is a laborious one for sure, with nonsensical flashbacks, and honestly it takes us all on one of those road trips way back in the day when all there was to use as a sense of direction was a gas station map, and the end result had a carload of people lost – the intent to get there is good, but sometimes the guidance craps out. The fx employed in the movie is an admirable touch, but the overall suffering is compounded by solemnly bad acting performances and innocuous plot pathways. I couldn’t even get behind some of the kills, which usually for me can yank a film out of the much and mire, but The 13th Friday was one of those colossally missed opportunities that absolutely could have been so much more in essence.