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Sometimes a movie looks good, sometimes a movie looks bad, and sometimes a movie looks so bad it’s good. The…
‘Tis the season to get slaughtered! Already out on VOD and coming to DVD on December 12 is Uncork’d Entertainment’s…
A new horror film titled S.O.H.N.: The Rise of Achak is heading our way in early 2019, and while that…
Starring Lisa May, Khu, Melissa L. Vega Directed by Justin Price Attempting to align itself alongside the legendary franchise, The…
Starring Natassia Halabi, Gabriel Miller, Lisa May, Lassiter Holmes, Les Best Directed by Justin Price Only the beginning of October…
We told you about The Elf a few days ago and the machine behind this newest yuletide no-goodnik is doing…
An ancient spirit comes home next month with The 13th Friday, premiering on VOD October 10th from Uncork’d Entertainment; and to…
It was almost exactly a year ago when we first heard about The 13th Friday, and now Uncork’d has revealed…
Uncork’d Entertainment has a new sci-fi/horror film heading our way later this year titled Alien: Reign of Man; and we…