DreadXP Spearheads “Worthy of Better, Stronger Together” Game Bundle to Support Reproductive Rights
It’s been an unprecedentedly terrible week for civil rights in America. With the recent ruling from the US Supreme Court to undo Roe Vs. Wade, basic reproductive freedoms have been stripped away from millions of Americans. In a response to this ruling, Abbey “Scruncho” Smith of DreadXP fame is managing a new initiative to raise awareness for the issue at hand.
Worthy of Better, Stronger Together is a new game bundle being packaged by DreadXP. The proceeds will be divided between the National Organization for Women and the Center for Reproductive Rights. The bundle is currently accepting game submissions and will go live on July 1st. The bundle will be available from July 1st till the 15th and be pay-what-you-can, with a minimum donation of $10.
Check out the bundle link right here.
One of our favorite games already included in the bundle is the classic DreadXP title Sucker for Love: First Date.
As per the Worthy of Better, Stronger Together bundle:
June 24th, 2022 was a harrowing day for civil liberties. In the United States, basic human rights are being stripped away. It is a stark reminder that even after 50 years of legal protection, equality can be so easily lost. To say nothing of the dangerous precedent this decision sets for other civil rights protections, we believe that the right for a person to pursue safe and legal abortions is more than enough reason to stand up and take action. This decision does not only effect those capable of becoming pregnant. It is a determination of what rights we as a society choose to hold sacred. It is a question of who is deemed worthy of protecting. The fabric of our society is woven by every single member, to erode a single thread unravels us all. We must all take a stand and demand that our rights and bodily autonomy are federally recognized.
To all those who are affected, you are seen, you are strong, and we are in this together. Every human being deserves basic rights. Worthy of better, stronger together.