‘Godforsaken’ Unleashes Unholy Found Footage Mayhem [Trailer]

When you go to a funeral you don’t expect the deceased to flip over their coffin and make an appearance. But in director Ali Akbar Akbar Kamal’s found footage film Godforsaken, always expect the unexpected.
In Godforsaken, an indie filmmaker visits his hometown to attend a childhood friend’s funeral. When she seemingly rises from the dead during her wake with mysterious abilities, he and a group of friends begin to investigate and record the town’s experience as they try to get to the truth. Some claim she is God; some claim she is pure evil. They soon learn that not all miracles are holy.
Watch the trailer now:
Ali Akbar Akbar Kamal said of the film,
“Growing up in a religious community in the middle east, I always had a fascination with other worldly beings. As a child I would often hear things like “ You will burn for eternity if you commit a sin” or “ you will go blind if you question God”. All of which struck terror in my heart.
As a horror fan I always found that feeling of terror to be captivating. The fear of unknown beings that hold unlimited power over us. I wrote Godforsaken with that fear in mind. Our objective was to make a movie that touches on those feelings but most importantly I wanted to make something that was fun and exciting to watch.“
Chad Tailor, Mélie B Rondeau, Katie Fleming, Chris Kelly, Domenic Derose, Nicole Fairbairn, JoAnn Bundock, and Flora Burke star.
Godforsaken premieres on the Terror Films Channel on March 25 followed by a worldwide digital release April 8.