In ‘Unborn’ Something Unholy Appears In A Woman’s Ultrasound [Trailer]

Childrearing is scary. From inception ’till they move away to college, every step of the parenting process is terrifying. Tubi’s latest shocker Unborn plays on these fears in the trailer which we’ve linked below.
In Unborn, an expecting mother suspects that her unborn baby is possessed by the demonic spirit of her dead mother while her wife questions her unstable state.
Unborn is a religious horror shocker from filmmaker Steven R. Monroe. You may remember Monroe as the director of the 2010 remake of I Spit On Your Grave. He is also responsible for its sequel.
Tubi is currently the largest free streaming service featuring award-winning movies and TV series from studios like Paramount, Lionsgate, MGM, and more. You can watch Unborn on the platform for free right now. Check it out if the trailer interests you.
Check out the trailer for Unborn right here
Lastly, what did you think of the trailer for the Tubi original Unborn? Is religiously tinged horror your sort of thing? Make sure to let me know on Twitter via @joshkorngut. I’m always around to chat about all things religious horror!