HE KNOWS YOU’RE ALONE With Tom Hanks Hits Blu-ray in May

Scream Factory will release He Knows You’re Alone with Tom Hanks on Blu-ray on May 18th. Scream Factory confirms a new high-definition transfer is in the works.

Extras will be announced at a later date.

Now you see him. Now you don’t. The face of a killer appears out of the darkness and just as quickly disappears. A young woman has an eerie feeling someone is stalking her. Another beauty steps into a shower … and a bathroom door handle slowly turns. We’re in slasher-flick territory – and also in a rare realm of film history, because screen icon Tom Hanks makes his movie debut in this shocker. The up-and-coming legend plays the brief supporting role of Elliot, a psych major whose musings about the nature of fear reinforce the tone of this twisted tale about a sicko who targets brides-to-be … and a detective who scrambles to stop the carnage. Wedded bliss can be very short-lived when He Knows You’re Alone.

RELATED: B-Sides: Tom Hanks & Dan Aykroyd Commit Crimes by Busting Rhymes

Check out the killer new cover art below.

Armand Mastroianni (The Celestine Prophecy) directs from a screenplay written by Scott Parker (Die Laughing). Caitlin O’Heaney stars along with Don Scardino, Elizabeth Kemp, Tom Rolfing, and Tom Hanks (The Bonfire of the Vanities).

Will you snag a copy on Blu-ray?

Make sure to let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also hit me up over on Twitter @MikeSpregg325.



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