Trailer for LIFECHANGER Proves Love Can Be Tough for a Shapeshifter

An antihero is a villain who nonetheless elicits sympathy and/or empathy; a ne’er-do-well whose inner humanity bubbles to the surface. In Lifechanger, the audience sees the world from the perspective of a shapeshifter, one who kills regularly as a matter of survival. While it would be easy to immediately loathe such a monster, the trailer explains that he’s doing it all for love.

The film our own Zena Dixon called “thought-provoking body horror” hits DVD and VOD platforms on January 1st, 2019 via Uncork’d Entertainment and Raven Banner Entertainment. Check out the trailer embedded at the top of the article and read the film’s synopsis below.

Related Article: Fantasia 2018: LIFECHANGER Review – Thought-Provoking Body Horror

Drew has an identity problem. Every few days, he has to shape-shift or face a painful death. He has to find someone and make a copy. He takes everything: their looks, memories, hopes, and dreams. Their entire life. He becomes them, and they die horribly. Enter Julia, the object of Drew’s affection. How can he make things right when he’s never the same person for very long? How do you gain back trust when who you are keeps changing? Part psychological thriller, part body horror, Lifechanger follows one shape-shifters’ twisted quest to repair the damage he’s caused while leaving a trail of bodies in his wake.

Lifechanger is written and directed by Justin McConnell; the films sizable ensemble cast includes Lora Burke, Jack Foley, Elitsa Bako, Sam James White, Steve Kasan, Rachel Vanduzer, Peter Higginson, Adam Buller, Brian Quintero, Mark Rainmaker, Ry Barrett, Michelle D’Allesseandro Hatt, Uche Ama, Daniel Faraldo, and Francesco Filice.

What do you think of the trailer and synopsis for Lifechanger? Sound off in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!



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