Exclusive: Jason Goes to Hell Retrospective Documentary Announced

I don’t know about you guys, but one of my favorite horror movies out there is director Adam Marcus’ Jason Goes to Hell. Sure it’s controversial and sure it doesn’t have much Jason in it, but the Jason we were served up is one of the best and the movie is wall-to-wall good, gory times in my book.
It is with this in mind we here at Dread Central are excited as Hell (natch) to share the news with you guys exclusively that Jason Goes to Hell is getting its own retrospective documentary!
The film is called The Dark Heart of Jason Voorhees: The Making of the Final Friday and will be directed by Nick Hunt (Safe Place) with director Adam Marcus himself producing alongside horror producer Johnny Macabre (Don’t F*ck in the Woods, Crepitus) and Joe Quintanilla (producer of Friday the 13th Part 3: The Memoriam Documentary).
“I am thrilled to have been approached by Nick Hunt and Black Heart Productions to tell the story of the making of Jason Goes to Hell,” Adam Marcus tells us. “I’m looking forward to getting the chance to illustrate the journey of my first film and to hopefully set the record straight on all the controversies surrounding the movie. I can say for myself and my Skeleton Crew partners, Debra Sullivan and Bryan Sexton that we are ‘happier than a little girl in a pink dress pushing a hot dog through a donut’ to be collaborating with Nick and Black Heart to bring this documentary to life.”
“…happier than a little girl in a pink dress pushing a hot dog through a donut.” Haha. Classic.
Coming up on the 25th Anniversary of Jason Goes to Hell, the film will be giving viewers a never-before-seen in-depth look at the most infamous Jason film of all time.
Through interviews and behind the scenes details, you will understand the unique landscape the series was in at the time, having just changed studios and already being on the road to the eventual Freddy vs Jason film which wouldn’t see release for another 8 years.
You will see the unusual hand Adam Marcus was dealt and the immense pressure and scrutiny which was placed on him during production. And you will see genre greats, both who were in the film and not, weigh in on Jason’s journey to hell.
In Jason Goes to Hell, you learned secrets about Jason you never knew before! In The Dark Heart of Jason Voorhees: The Making of the Final Friday, you will understand what was and what could have been with The Final Friday!
On top of all that, we also learned that the film will have an as-of-yet unannounced co-director and we will make sure to let you know just who that is once we find out.
For the time being, however, we also have a quote from the documentary’s director Nick Hunt.
“Jason Goes to Hell to me has always been the most highly debated upon, the most unique and the most ballsy of any of the other Friday the 13th films to come to fruition,” Hunt tells us. “I always felt it was misunderstood and that people didn’t know the entire story behind it; the people that put their blood, sweat, and tears into it. And now it’s coming up on its 25th Anniversary and I want to show it the love it deserves, the fans the appreciation they deserve and hopefully make something unique and special for all the franchise fans.”
Stay tuned for more news on The Dark Heart of Jason Voorhees: The Making of the Final Friday as we hear it!
Thanks Nick!