Exclusive: Freddy’s Glove Faces Off Against Batman’s Scarecrow in This Wicked Prop Design!

Just a few days ago, I found an incredible custom prop company by the name of Nightmares Unlimited. They had posted pictures of an A Nightmare on Elm Street/Hellraiser mashup glove that took Freddy’s iconic razor finger glove and spliced it with imagery and stylizations right out of Pinhead’s world. It is, to make it short, breathtaking. Not only is the quality astonishing but the concept behind it was executed perfectly.
Today, we’re thrilled to bring you yet another masterpiece from Nightmares Unlimited that once again showcases the stunning creativity necessary to pull something like this off. This prop once again uses Freddy’s glove as the foundation but it then mashes it with elements of The Scarecrow, the villain from Batman. The end result is a glove that exudes that Jonathan Crane terror but also bears elements of Re-animator and pays homage to A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors!
Nightmares Unlimited’s Mark Phillips, who has been referred to as the “Blacksmith of Horror”, tells Dread Central:
“When I designed the Re-Animator glove, I saw comments on it stating it looked like Scarecrow’s glove in the Batman Arkham games. Now mind you, I’ve never played the games, nor seen pics of it. And I kept it that way when I decided to design and build this glove. I thought this would be the ultimate kick off to our new offshoot line of comic inspired weapons and characters reimagined Nightmares Unlimited style. Industrial. Dystopian. Heroes and Villains Unlimited. First up, SCARECROW!”
Below are images of the glove as well as a video showing it in action. Make sure to stick around to see it work in the dark! Also, don’t forget to follow Nightmares Unlimited on Facebook as well as on Instagram!