Piranhaconda Revealed – At Least Its Head


He’s given us Dinocrocs, Dinosharks, Supergators, and the now legendary Sharktopus. Next up for the great Roger Corman is Piranhaconda. Up until now the look of this Syfy monster mishmash has only been the subject of speculation, but read on and you’ll get a head’s up at the piranha/anaconda hybrid.

Entertainment Weekly scored the exclusive look at the head prop being used in certain scenes when Piranhaconda rears his ugly head. Is it just me, or is there more than a little similarity between the Piranhaconda head and the head of the gill-man from The Monster Squad?

Produced by Roger Corman, directed by Jim Wynorski, starring Michael Madsen and Rachel Hunter, Piranhaconda sees the mutant repto-fish wrapped up in a tale that according to EW involves “a low-budget horror movie crew, inept kidnappers, and a reptile expert battling a monstrous anaconda/piranha hybrid in the Amazon jungle.” A low-budget horror movie crew? I bet this one is going to get all meta on us.

The introduction of Piranhaconda into the Syfy monster movie vernacular comes at just the right moment as Syfy has begun a competition on its website to determine the top Syfy movie monster of them all. The Syfy Saturday Monster Madness poll finds many of the more well-known monstrosities to star in Syfy original movies pitted against one another via NCAA basketball tournament bracketing with viewers able to vote on their favorites until only one creature reigns supreme. The best part is the flash cards they’ve drawn up for each of the monsters, giving you both a comic book drawing of the creatures that in some instances looks better than their digital movie counterparts and stats on their strengths and weaknesses.

This whole contest almost seems a moot point to me. Is there any scenario in which Sharktopus doesn’t win? Yeah, maybe Mega Shark, Mansquito, or S.S. Doomtrooper can pull off the upset win, but I just don’t see anything topping the one Syfy monster that managed to successfully become a minor blip on the greater pop culture radar. I also cry foul that both a giant squid and a giant octopus can make it into the bracketing, as well as the dubious inclusion of Manticore and Cerberus (both movies were uber lame), while Loch Ness Terror, the angler fish gill-man of Sea Beast, and the prehistoric rhinoceros beetles from Caved In: Prehistoric Terror got snubbed.

Head over to Syfy’s website to vote in the contest that will be ongoing between now and April 21st.

Mothman is currently beating Mega Piranha. For shame!

Piranhaconda Revealed - At Least Its Head

Piranhaconda Revealed - At Least Its Head

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