Michael Madsen and Rachel Hunter to Hunt Piranhaconda

One’s an intense movie tough guy. The other is a former swimsuit model. The producer is a legend who most recently birthed a Sharktopus. The director is a b-movie kingpin who most recently pitted Dinocroc vs. Supergator. Michael Madsen and Rachel Hunter have now signed on to star in the Roger Corman-produced, Jim Wynorski-directed Piranhaconda. The Syfy gods are smiling tonight.
Matchflick News brings word that production of the mutant piranha/anaconda monster movie Piranhaconda is ramping up to begin production. Former Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Rachel Hunter (pictured right, who will also be seen later this year in the Syfy disaster epic Miami Magma) will play the female lead, a character named “Thalia”. Odds are she’ll be the one to slay the carnivorous fish-reptile. Kill Bill badass Michael Madsen has been cast as a character named “Dr. Lovegrove”. With the doctor moniker before his name, odds are his character will be the one responsible for breeding a serpentine piranha “with razor sharp teeth and 100 feet of constricting power”.
The rest of the cast has also begun to round out: the previously announced Diana Terranova (“Californication”) is being joined by Terri Ivens (“All My Children”), Shandi Finnessey (Sharktopus), Michael Swan (“The Bold and the Beautiful”), and Kurt Yaeger (Jim Wynorski’s forthcoming Syfy creepy crawler Camel Spiders).
With cast assembled and location scouting commencing, shooting of Piranhaconda should begin shortly. Expect to see this toothy, scaly Syfy mutation rear its ugly head either much later this year or sometime early next year.
– The Foywonder