*UPDATED* View Askew Horror?

A reader just dropped us a line with the heads up that something very strange might be going down in Kevin Smith’s View Askew universe soon.
According to the site for all things Smith, NewsAskew.com, Kevin dropped a pretty big bomb during a Q&A session over the weekend; his next movie will be a horror film. That’s our genre! Whether or not it’s true is still being debated by even those close to the man’s site, so we’ll let you know as soon as we hear more.
With Jersey Girl bombing and Clerks II not doing nearly as well as it deserved to (seriously, I thought it was hilarious), maybe it’s time Smith made his way into the hearts of a whole new group of rabid fanboys: us! We’ll know more soon!
*UPDATE!* Another reader just chimed in, one who was at the convention in Chicago where Smith dropped said bomb. Apparently he cited The Shining and Halloween as inspirations…should be interesting to see what becomes of this!
Discuss whether Smith can do scary in our forums!