George A. Romero Offers More Living Dead Updates, Comments on Deep Red Remake

While recently speaking with horror maestro George A. Romero about the release of his latest entry into his historic Dead franchise, Survival of the Dead (hitting DVD and Blu-ray tomorrow), he updated us on the future of the Dead and also what happened with that Deep Red rumor from a while back.
“I have plans for two more Dead movies,” says Romero. “Just like Survival they revolve around more characters from Diary. The next one I’d like to make will focus on the African-American guys who were like a band of looters. If Survival makes money, it’ll happen. I want to shoot it noir style with maybe an abandoned building or factory as the setting. Something lit a specific way to cast these huge shadows. The next one after that would focus on the Texas girl who escaped from the mansion. She’s got a story to tell I think.”
In terms of the proposed 3D remake of Argento’s Deep Red, Romero said with a laugh, “Sometimes I find out about projects I’m ‘doing’ the same way you guys do. Dario’s son called me to ask if I was interested. I asked if I’d be working with Dario and Claudio said yeah. I told him that it sounded interesting but I’d want to speak with Dario first to see where we could go with it, man. By the time I got in touch with him, he told me he didn’t know anything about it. So from there I told him, ‘Well, that’s it, man! I’m out!'”
Romero also talked a little bit about his next horror project, which he’s keeping under wraps for now, but he did reveal that there would be no zombies in it and that he’s really going to go for the scare factor this time around. Look for more soon including the entire interview.
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