Smith’s Horror Titled

Though many people who aren’t as embedded in this genre as much as we are may not understand it, there are many different levels of “horror”. One of the truest and yet most dividing kind of horror is the kind that can and does take place in everyday life, though for the sake of fiction and “entertainment”, as it were, its usually taken to an extreme.
Such a type of horror is what Kevin Smith recently revealed his first dip into our genre would center around. In an interview with Rotten Tomatoes UK, he announced that the film finally has a title, Red State, and that it’s being “informed” by a true case of terrifying extremism taking place in Topeka, Kansas. Specifically the Westboro Baptist Church.
Those who follow the news closely may be aware of the church, which is run by a man named Fred Phelps. He and his followers believe that homosexuality is the root cause of almost every single problem in American history, a belief that is conveyed through websites like and Ironic that its really only in America that such a person would be able to freely express his admittedly idiotic and close-minded viewpoint, and gain national attention because of it.
“That dude has always fascinated me and he’s really informed the horror movie that I’m working on,” Smith told the site, “And to me, too, the notion of using a Phelps-like character as a villain, as horrifying and scary as that guy can be, there’s even something more insidious than him that lurks out there in as much as a public or a government that allows it and that’s the other thing that I’m trying to examine in a big, big way.”
And so the plot thickens. Smith’s never been one to keep his opinions to himself, but this is the first time his viewpoints will be expressed without the cushion of comedy around them. Needless to say this is going to be an interesting one to watch happen.
Smith went on to say that he plans on writing Red State in the next few months and shooting it later this year in a true red state, someplace in the middle of the country. Stay tuned for more info very soon!
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