Exclusive: Anderson Off Castlevania!

You know a project is in trouble when Paul W.S. Anderson, a man who’s spent almost his entire career turning potentially cool movies into steaming piles of pooh, leaves a film.
Such is the case with Castlevania, or so a very reliable source revealed to us recently. The film, based on the long-running video game franchise from Konami, has been in development hell since it was first announced, but Anderson’s always been on as director and writer. Apparently either he didn’t like where the project was going or didn’t feel like waiting anymore, because now he’s off all together.
Where is he now? Apparently working on a new Death Race, though I’m not sure if it’s a remake or sequel; something tells me it’s the former. No word on whether or not producer Jeremy Bolt is still attached to Castlevania or if he is moving on with Anderson as well, but it’ll be interesting to see where the project goes now…
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