These Awesome Creepshow Shirts Turn the Film into an 8-Bit Video Game

We’ve shared the art of Aaron Crawford, who runs the company Cavity Colors, in the past here on Dread, and he continues to impress us with incredibly cool designs that give us no choice but to bust out our credit cards. His latest offerings are certainly no exception, as they turn Creepshow into an 8-bit video game we’re DYING to play.
Just released today, the brand spankin’ new “Meteor Shit” and “Game Over, Bedelia” designs are available on standard t-shirts, girls t-shirts, and even tank tops, and they pay loving, retro-style tribute to the two most beloved segments in the original Creepshow: “Father’s Day” and “The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill.”
Selling for $25 each, and available in sizes ranging from Extra Small to 5XL, the two designs give us an idea of what the “Game Over” screens would look like had Creepshow been turned into an NES game in the ’80s. Right about now, visions of an 8-bit, dancing Ed Harris are playing in my head, and I can’t help but smile.
Check out the shirts below and head over to Cavity Colors to grab ’em!