Fearwerx New Graveyard Zombie B&W Variant

Loving your eight-inch MEGO-style Night of the Living Dead figures as much as we do? Well, wait until you see the new Black and White variant!
The first zombie from Romero’s classic comes to life (sort of) in this fully poseable 8″ retro MEGO-style action figure. Figure bears the likeness of actor Bill Hinzman, who granted permission to develop the toy.
Figure is packaged in MEGO-style blister with backing card bearing illustrations by original MEGO packaging illustrator Harold Shull. The head is sculpted by fan favorite James (“MegoMadhouse”) Brady.
The Graveyard Zombie and the companion BEN figure are developed by sister brand EMCE Toys, which brought back the MEGO brand last year with “Star Trek” and “Planet of the Apes” reproductions! These are the first MEGOs created for an entirely new entertainment property since the original company closed in the 1980s!
This is a special BLACK AND WHITE VARIANT of the figure, produced as an exclusive for a horror convention last year. Attendance at the show was considerably less than anticipated, so there were some figures left over and put aside for this year’s convention circuit. So, the figures will only be available here and at a select number of horror conventions this year.
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