UPDATED: John Carpenter Suffers Seizure During Convention


John Carpenter Suffers Seizure During ConventionDisturbing news coming out of Florida’s Spooky Empire show concerning one of our genre’s most beloved filmmakers, John Carpenter.

Carpenter suffered a seizure around 4:00 PM (ET) Saturday, October 9th, while taking a break from signing autographs. An ambulance was alerted, and Carpenter was taken away. Sources on the scene say the seizure was minor and John is not in serious condition.

In fact, believe it or not, according to the show’s promoter Carpenter is expected to return to Orlando’s Spooky Empire on Sunday to continue to meet and sign for his fans. The man is tough as nails, I tell ya! Tough as nails! We’ll be keeping an eye on the situation, and should there be any other developments, we’ll let you know ASAP!

UPDATE: We recently heard from John’s wife, who told us the following: He did not have a seizure in Orlando. He went there in spite of suffering from the flu. Was exhausted. The combination of the two caused a sudden blood pressure drop which caused him to pass out.

Good news indeed, but even so let’s continue sending John all our good vibes and maybe even a couple of prayers for a speedy recovery!

Uncle Creepy

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