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Source Name: MundoFox Source Url: Post Thumb: /sep12/mundo.jpg MundoFox, the new Spanish-language broadcast network from Fox International Channels and…

A new image gallery for director Gabe Ibáñez’s (Day of the Beast) latest horror film Hierro just landed online with…

The trailer for director Gabe Ibáñez (Day of the Beast) latest horror film Hierro just landed online and with it…

It’s in Catalan so I have no idea what’s going on, but since it’s a news broadcast about the filming…

Reviewed by Johnny Butane Starring Christopher George, Linda Day, Frank Brana, Paul Smith, Edmund Purdom Directed by Juan Piquer Simon…

The guys currently hunkering down and rationing water over at Quiet Earth took time out of their busy schedules of…

A new article focusing on the burgeoning film community in Spain appeared in Variety over the weekend (thanks to Heather…

Reviewed by Johnny Butane Starring Junio Valverde, Blanca Suarez, Jimmy Barnatan, Mar Sodupe Directed by Isidro Ortiz Released by Dark…

Dark Sky Films has picked up Isidro Ortiz’s Shiver, about an adolescent whose relocation to an isolated village with his…