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July 13, 2016
When I caught Russian musician-cum-director Pavel Khvaleev’s III back in 2014 at the FANT Bilbao Festival, considering the film’s absolutely stainless…
April 15, 2016
A few weeks ago David Gelmini caused a ruckus with his story about the new Russian film Guardians, suggesting it…
May 16, 2015
At a presentation in Cannes of Russian projects looking for co-production partners, Roskino announced details of several new films emerging…
Uncategorized February 15, 2013
Source Name: Reuters Source Url: Post Thumb: /stock/invasion.jpg This is how it always starts, man. Meteors hit the Earth.…
Uncategorized February 12, 2010
While their vodka can make any film seem a lot less painful, Russia isn’t exactly known for its stellar crop…