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Post Thumb: /studios/asylum.jpg I absolutely love this story! We’ve told you about The Asylum’s #HoldYourBreath (formerly Don’t Hold Your Breath)…
Post Thumb: /studios/asylum.jpg A couple of days ago we broke the news that The Asylum was readying its first theatrical…
Post Thumb: /studios/asylum.jpg If someone were to ask you if The Asylum was ever going to make a theatrically released…
Cover art: /reviews/amhaunt.jpg Starring N/A Video Compiled by Geoff Meed Distributed by The Asylum The Family Did Not Survive. But…
Post Thumb: /sep11/amitys.jpg The Asylum has come a long way over the years. Its movies have gone from mind-numbingly horrible…
Post Thumb: /sep11/amitys.jpg The Asylum is back with an entry into the Amityville series, Amityville Haunting, and a warning that…
Post Thumb: /may11/amitys.jpg Hey, look! Amityville news! We haven’t had much of that lately! This latest bit is for the…