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Uncategorized November 10, 2008
Anchor Bay just sent out a press release announcing their acquisition of Paddy Breathnatch’s
Uncategorized August 18, 2008
While checking out the listings on the Frightfest website, I noticed they have the first ever poster for Paddy Breathnach’s…
Uncategorized July 21, 2008
Well, Paddy Breathnach’s Freakdog isn’t exactly what we thought it would be about. The plot synopsis we got before turns…
Uncategorized July 7, 2008
As more news comes out regarding
Uncategorized June 11, 2008
In news that just kinda came out of nowhere, Fangoria got word that
Uncategorized February 12, 2008
Just the other day we told you about Paddy (Shrooms) Breathnach’s next film, Red Mist, which is currently lensing in…
Uncategorized February 10, 2008
Paddy Breathnach isn’t waiting around to see how well his first film, Shrooms, does when it’s released here in the…