Who Goes There Podcast: Ep278 – THE HILLS HAVE EYES Original & Remake
Well hello, my sweet children. Welcome again to another October with your good friends at the Who Goes There Podcast. Since this is everyone’s favorite time of the year we thought it might be fun to do something a little special. This October we decided to do some double header episodes where we review a horror classic and it’s more modern remake!
This week on the docket we have genetic mutations, nuclear mutations, men on fire, dead dogs, baby eating, and a whole bunch of really uncomfortable rape scenes. Need another hint? This week we’re talking about The Hills Have Eyes, both the original and the remake!
If that doesn’t stand your little pecker on end, nothing will.

All y’all’s must be mutes, cause ya wouldn’t be fuckin’ with me, now would ya? It’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 278!
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