Suffering, The (Video Game)

Reviewed by Uncle Creepy
Developed & published by Midway Games
As a horror fan since the day I was born & a gamer since I was old enough to hold a joystick, I’ve been seeking out ways to get my horror fix, which up until now haven’t exactly been in abundance. I’m happy to say that horror itself has never been more alive & clawing, and now there’s a new game on the cellblock. All I can say is WOW! Every dark passage leads to absolute terror. Beware, there is no light at the end of these tunnels. Only . . . Suffering!
Midway’s new game, The Suffering for the Xbox & Playstation 2, is an absolute gift to horror fans. Where other games have scratched the surface of what’s possible in the survival horror genre, Midway & Surreal Software dig in with 2 razor sharp claws. The ghastly landscape of Abbott State Penitentiary will haunt you long after you turn off the power & try to get back to the real world. From the cinematic quality of the game, to the story line, to the unparalleled interactivity with the game’s environments, to the thick brooding atmosphere — this game does more to show what can be done in a digital world to chill you to the bone than any game I have played in the last ten years.
The Suffering is riddled with horrific twists & turns as well as some great nods to some of horror’s best films. It’s literally a nightmare come true. You’ll be grabbed by the throat from the game’s opening minutes to its blood soaked conclusion. Parents be warned: Put your kids to bed. While The Suffering cements itself into horror gaming history, it at the same time earns every bit of its M rating. This game is NOT for the weak of heart or the easily offended. It’s for the sick & twisted like myself who appreciate the lengths that people will go to to scare the s*** out of someone, and this game does just that.
Get to your local stores. Buy this game! Pop it in, dim the lights, crank up your stereo, and prepare yourself for a no holds-barred journey into the world of horror in its purest form.
Resident who? Silent what? Suffering has never been so sweet.

Categorized:Horror Gaming Reviews