Who Goes There Podcast: Ep263 – THE WRETCHED
Konichiwa, dorks! I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there is a global pandemic going on right now. As a result of said pandemic, movies theaters across the country have been forced to close their doors. Well, you know what they say about grey clouds and silver linings? That’s right, ya gloomy Gus, drive-in movie theaters are now thriving again, and a little horror film called The Wretched has topped the box office charts for 3 weeks now!
I know you’re probably thinking, “That’s all well and good. But, what movie are you guys talking about this week?” That movie! The Wretched, we’re discussing The Wretched. You mouth breathing, thick skulled dunce! (Review starts at 35:40) In addition you can definitely hear our usual brand of idiocy, I know we talk about muppet sex… again.

I’m not gonna charge ya, you stupid bastard. Did you hear that? “How much”! Ha ha ha! It’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 263!
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