Familiar Spirit, A (Short, 2016)

Starring Chris Kovacs, Chelsea Newman, Erica Rey
Directed by Rickey Bird
These short films that I’ve been having the pleasure to review over the course of my stay here at Dread Central are growing to be quite the addiction. Figure it this way: If it stinks, you don’t have to sit through it too long; and if you dig it, then you can be satiated without fear of a full-length letdown – double bonus, baby!
In any event, I settled in to check out Rickey Bird’s 30-minute chiller A Familiar Spirit, unbeknownst to me what I’d be focusing my eyes upon; and after the credits had rolled, yet once again I was not only impressed with what my peepers had taken in, but I honestly was wanting a bit more to tide me over until the next quickie came my way… jeez, that sounded erotic didn’t it?
Lame humor aside, this fun little short is supposedly based upon actual events, and we follow a young couple that has just moved into their new home, only to find out that it housed a very dark secret – you got it, MURDER. Over a year ago, a heinous crime took place there, and it’s more than likely the reason why the young couple got the joint for so damn cheap. After a traumatic experience that shakes the young twosome one night, they decide to not only forgo getting the hell out of this place, but defiantly occupying their space and attempting to ride this out… yeah, because THAT always works out for the betterment of people’s safety.
We’ve got the smoking hot female lead, the douchey boyfriend, and even a little bit of terror – put all the elements into one blender, and we’re ready to hit the “frappe” switch. It all adds up to a fun half-hour watch, and at the risk of sounding negative (which I’m going to do anyway), there are a few instances of nonsensical thinking and a lack of backstory that could have made this presentation that much better, but overall it should be a fun watch when it becomes available to the public.