Devil Town (Short, 2016)

Starring Matthew Hebden, Johnny Vivash, Elina Alminas
Directed by Nick Barrett
Two men, one coffee shop, and a chilling declaration of a world that’s going to be overrun VERY SOON. Director Nick Barrett delivers one of the simpler, yet more insanely frightening shorts to be unleashed this year in Devil Town. Grab a hot cup of joe ’cause you’re going to want to be seated for this one.
With a runtime of 15 minutes, the quickie wastes no time in setup as we watch a snooty British businessman (Hebden) roll into a coffee shop and place his order with a waitress who best represents a sedated deer in headlights. He takes his seat and is soon joined by a bedraggled man (Vivash) who only asks for a minute of his time to tell him about how people are slowly succumbing to others who pick them off one by one, and how the blow of a dog whistle exposes them for who they really are.
I’d love to let the details flow, but I don’t want to give any more away, but rest assured that a surprise is in store for all who watch.
Dialogue-heavy and intently eerie, the entire 15 minutes serve as something that really could blossom into a feature film over time if warranted. This one’s slowly creeping towards the top of my list for must-watches – HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.