Zombies of the Living Dead (2015)

Starring Timothy Kolberg, Christian Ackerman, Josh Meny, Cheyenne Adamson
Directed by Christian Ackerman
I’ve been accused of an unfair bias against zombie films over the past couple of years, simply due to the fact that the amount of overexposure has been staggering, and subsequently the sub-genre has suffered as a result. There really isn’t much more that can be done with (and to) these denizens of the dead, and for someone to step forward and present a breathtaking presentation is an uphill task in itself. So, with that declaration of uselessness, I present to you Zombies of the Living Dead… hold on to your wigs and keys, ladies and gents. This could get ugly REAL QUICK.
Directed by (and starring) Christian Ackerman, the movie centers around Dr. Frank (Kolberg), who has tirelessly been researching a radio frequency that will bring the dead back to life. (Anyone already see a problem with this?) In a plot point of complete inanity, he openly broadcasts the frequency, allowing it to span the length of the small town he’s working in. Not only has the radio oscillation managed to raise every stinking dead soul for miles, it’s also shut down every phone, radio, and friggin baby monitor in the area… like I said, infinite trouble at hand.
Subset with a small collection of odd side-stories, this hour-long display inevitably runs back across the tracks into zombietown, and aside from some really good-looking instances of gore, this presentation is a mirror-image of so many set before it. Ackerman does an admirable job with putting his directorial style out there for the masses to check out, and hopefully in the future we can get to see something else besides all these damn zombies.
Recommended for lovers of the undead, and if not, the choice remains within you – feast on.