Centerfold Girls, The (DVD)


The Centerfold Girls DVD (click for larger image)Reviewed by Uncle Creepy

Starring Andrew Prine, Jennifer Ashley, Tiffany Bolling, Teda Bracci, Kitty Carl, Mike Mazurki

Directed by Michael Reeves

Distributed by Dark Sky Films

You know why I love Dark Sky Films? Because they seemingly go out of their way to find hard to get and obscure bits of cinema, give them a fine remastering, and then release them upon an unsuspecting public. The Centerfold Girls is a movie that’s been playing lost and found with fans for about two decades now. Finally the search is over. That is, if you were even looking for this sleazy little gem to begin with.

The brilliant Andrew Prine plays a horny slasher with a penchant for pin-up sexies and a handle on any sharp implement that could be found laying around. The story (or should I say stories?) is truly paper-thin. Stalk hot chick. Kill hot chick. Rinse. Repeat. The Centerfold Girls is an anthology of sorts. A veritable trilogy of titties. Prine stalks his chicas, dispatches them, and then moves on to the next. Each victim is completely unrelated to the last, and the only real common thread to be found herein is the killer.

The Centerfold Girls DVD (click for larger image)Along for the ride are more nudity than you could find in your local strip club and lots of the red stuff. This is a sex and violence Seventies-style exploitation extravaganza. We’re talking real vintage grindhouse and not a pretender to the throne.

The DVD itself has a lot more going for it than you would expect for the release of a film of this nature. Along with a plethora of trailers and radio and TV spots, we also get a look at the movie’s funky-ass music and a featurette that’s packing new interviews with producer Arthur Marks and actors Andrew Prine, Jennifer Ashley, and Francine York. Good stuff.

Even after over thirty years since its original release to second-rate dive theatres across the country, The Centerfold Girls holds its own. Sure it looks dated, but it’s a classic whose intentions are still very clear and — for what it is — very effective. Just make sure you shower afterward.

Special Features

  • Making the Cut: A Look Back at the Centerfold Girls featurette
  • Trailers
  • TV and radio spots
  • Select music cues


    3 1/2 out of 5

    Special Features:

    2 1/2 out of 5

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