Monsters in the Closet

All right, that’s gotta be one of the coolest posters I’ve seen in a long time. I’ll grant you, there are varying levels of cool when it comes to a poster, but this one just tells it like it is; Closet Space is a movie about some very Lovecraftian stuff going down inside a closet. There. You sold me on it.
Fangoria got a look at the poster, as well as fresh word from the film’s director, Mel House, about the post-production status. “I’m actually sitting in the edit suite right now, taking a break from cutting together one of the movie’s most intense action/scare scenes,” he told the site. “Hopefully I don’t sound like a total idiot, but I’m actually surprised by how well things are coming together for Closet Space. It’s almost like the elements are falling into place on their own…” Perhaps it is the hand of Lovecraft himself guiding it? One never knows.
Closet Space is about six grad students who pull together very quickly to attempt to save their professor, whose experiments with trying to open the thin areas between our world and the next have gone too far. More on it can be found at the official site and its MySpace page.
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