From Tension in the Hills to Producing P2


The duo behind High Tension and The Hills Have Eyes remake are it it again.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Alexandre Aja and Gregory Levasseur will be producing the stalker thriller P2 for Summit Entertainment.

While there’s no word on what, if anything, happened to the original P, P2 tells the tale of a corporate climber (Rachel Nichols) who finds herself working late at her office on Christmas Eve. As if that doesn’t suck enough, she ends up being the target of a crazed and disgruntled (minimum wage can do that to you) security guard (Wes Bentley).

Santa is nowhere to be found (hopefully he’s stalking a small town with an axe and grumbling “Punish” over and over) so our heroine must do for herself to survive the night.

Aja and Levasseur co-wrote the script with Franck Khalfoun, who was Aja’s editor on Hills. P2 will mark Khalfoun’s directorial debut.

More as it comes!

Uncle Creepy

Aja and Levasseur

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