Jane Getting All Misty
Though it shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone, nothing like making it official you know? UGO was interviewing Thomas Jane about the upcoming Extended Cut DVD of The Punisher and asked him what was the status on his possible role in The Mist.
“Well, I have an e-mail from Frank right here. Why don’t we open it and see what’s going on with The Mist? [reads]” Jane told the site. “He says that he just heard my deal closed today and he’s happy and looking forward to working with me.” And thus, a scoop was born.
Whether that’s how it played out or it was done for the benefit of the interview is moot; the fact remains that Jane is now officially signed on to play the lead in Darabont’s forever in development adaptation of Stephen King’s The Mist, which is scheduled to start shooting very soon. Keep it here for more!
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