Shaker Heights Survivors Find Hell
Yesterday we got a heads up about a new short film series that’s made its way onto Atom Films called Hellholes, and after checking it out, I’m pretty sure you guys will dig it.
In an ironic twist the film is the brainchild of Efram Potelle and Kyle Rankin, the creators of Battle of Shaker Heights, which you’ll recall was the second “Project Greenlight” movie. Why is that ironic? Because Hellholes, as the tile implies, is a horror/comedy and these two missed that “PG” boat by a full year. Not that it would’ve done them any good if you look at how Feast was treated…
Anyway, the first chapter from the ongoing series is now up on Atom Films, and I gotta say it’s pretty damn funny. The story so far is about a loser who’s looking for a place to live and thinks he gets a sweet deal when he hears about a trailer for sale for only $1. But you always get what you pay for…
Check out the first chapter of Hellholes right here!
Worry about what’s in your hell hole while you spend all day on our forums!