Barker Resurrects Poe

Clive Barker’s always been known, by fans who care to look at his entire body of work rather than just his novels, as a man who has the ability to touch many different genres and age groups with his many talents, be it through writing or painting. So it’s not surprising that he’s signed on to work with Walden Media (The Chronicles of Narnia) to bring some young adult thrills to cineplexes.
The project remains nameless for the time being, but it centers on some kids trying to investigate just what happened during the last two weeks of the life of Edgar Allan Poe. As you may know, Poe was found mysteriously on the streets of Baltimore on October 3rd, 1849, after having been missing for two weeks and died a short time later. The missing time has been a topic of much debate over the years, but when the kids go a bit too deep, they end up unleashing Poe’s nightmares on the world.
“I think we might have a chance with this project to bring the character of Poe alive for a new audience and weave his shadowy existence into the dark enchantments of his stories so that for our protagonist, and for our audience, it will be difficult to be sure where one finishes and the other takes flight,” Barker told The Hollywood Reporter.
Barker will develop the project and produce it along with his partners in Seraphim Films; no official writers or director has been named yet. As with all things Barker related we’ll have to wait and see just how this one pans out, but it sure sounds cool as hell!
Imagine living in Poe’s nightmares; I think it would look like our forums!