New Bachman Confirmed!


There have been rumors floating around about another Bachman book for some time, but now that Steve King is finally getting back in the public eye in a big way, having just finished his first book tour in years, said rumors can finally be addressed by the man himself.

Lilja’s Library got the official confirmation from King’s assistant that yes, another Bachman book has been found and King is re-writing it as we speak. It’s called Blaze and was first written under King’s famous nomenclature back in 1973.

“He has rewritten the first 100 pages,” King’s assistant confirmed. “A lot of it needed editing to make it more timely since the 1973 references no longer worked. He’s hoping to get it done by the end of the year.”

So what is Blaze about? How did it get lost for so long? Is it just coincidence that he recently found it in his basement? Who knows, but it is cool that we’ll see another Bachman book sometime next year, even if it is a bit on the gimmicky side. No publishing deal has been signed yet either, but I seriously doubt King will have any issues finding someone who will put it out.

Keep it here for updates as we learn ‘em!

Johnny Butane

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