*UPDATE* New Loomis Found?


Yep, it’s bullshit! I guess it happens to the best of ’em, eh? Hopefully we’ll have some real casting news for you very soon!

Just got a very cool piece of possible casting info in the DC inbox that I thought I’d share with you guys. Please keep in mind this is in no way confirmed (yet), but our scooper was very confident, and I’ll be damned if it doesn’t make a lot of sense.

Said scooper has informed us that Erick Avari, whom TV fans know as Papa Suresh in “Heroes,” is in serious discussions to step into the shoes vacated by Donald Pleasence for Rob Zombie’s upcoming Halloween remake, taking on the role of Michael Myer’s former psychiatrist Dr. Loomis.

In a recent interview with MTV, Zombie said he felt the Loomis character wasn’t fully realized in Carpenter’s original and had plans to give him much more depth this time around. Avari’s definitely got the look and the acting chops to take on such a role; in fact now that I think about it, I can’t think of anyone more suited!

We’ll have to wait and see if this pans out to be more than just a rumor, which I’m sure will be sooner rather than later since shooting starts in January, so stay tuned!

Johnny Butane

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