Bobo the Insult Murder Clown


I only got a chance to see two of the HorrorFest films this past weekend and unfortunately for me, Dark Ride was one of those films. If anyone had told me this past May after I saw See No Evil that before the year was up I’d find myself sitting in a theater yet again watching another uber generic slasher flick that’s even dumber and more poorly made I’d have told that person they were insane – and then came Dark Ride. To quote another very unhappy Dark Ride viewer I overheard talking to his equally unhappy friend on the way out of the theater this past Friday night, “Dude, you haven’t slept for two days and what do you have to show for it – no fuckin’ PS3 and a shitty ass movie.”

So imagine my reaction when a few days later I’m mulling over some info about a large number of films being offered at this month’s American Film Market and stumble upon a listing for a slasher movie about a bunch of teens in a rundown amusement park where some grisly murders occurred years earlier being killed by a mysterious murderer and the movie in question is not Dark Ride. Nope, this one is called The Fun Park.

It seems that “Bobo, the Insult Clown” was brutally bludgeoned to death while locking up the Family Fun Park one unfortunate evening in 1980. The urban legend ever since claiming the place is now haunted by Bobo’s ghost proves too much to resist for six teens. They expected to debunk the old legend but it turns out that Bobo actually lives in the bowels of the now abandoned park and it seems Bobo has moved up from insults to mass murder. A young teen couple survives to tell their tale to the police, but after the cops find no bodies or evidence to support their claims it’s now up to the young woman’s psychologist to take up the case.

You can check out the trailer for The Fun Park at the film’s almost barebones official website. It really looks no better or worse than any other slasher film out there these days. Heck, it still better than Dark Ride to me.

I’m willing to bet anyone $10 that Lionsgate picks up The Fun Park for DVD distribution sometime next year.

The Foywonder

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