Ring in the New Year with the Top 9 Babies in Horror


Delivery: The Beast Within (2014)
Is there anything worth watching on reality TV? Let’s be honest; we cut our teeth on reality programming decades ago when “COPS” hit the FOX airwaves. And we were all literally glued to our screens as one domestic dispute after another got resolved by our cities’ finest police officers. But today anyone can get a reality show, and that is the premise behind Delivery. It’s the story of Kyle and Rachel Massy, a young couple who, for some inexplicable reason, agree to have their first pregnancy documented for a reality TV show. And, as this is a horror movie, things go completely off the tracks, making Rachel believe an evil spirit has possessed the unborn child. And that, my friends, is the makings of a fantastic reality TV series!

Pet Sematary (1989)
He’s not necessarily an infant in swaddling clothes, but Gage Creed was young enough to be considered in this category. An aggressive little scamp if there ever was one, Gage gave audiences one of the great toe-curling moments of 80’s cinema when he sliced Jud Crandall’s Achilles tendon. Much like the hobbling of Paul Sheldon by Anne Wilkes in Misery, this was another of Stephen King’s great moments of stunning an audience with just the damaging of a body. Not murder, not rape, but the maiming of a body part that was certainly quite beloved by the owner. Gage Creed certainly goes down as one of horror’s most nefarious toddlers. “And now I wanna play with yeeeeeew.”

Alien (1979)
Here we move into our non-human portion of the list. The Alien chestburster is, without a doubt, the cutest version of the xenomorph that exists in the Alien universe. Sure, his birth into our world is a bit bloody and violent, but once he emerges from Kane’s chest and checks out his surroundings (sporting a set of teeth that look like he’s wearing one of Flavor Flav’s grills) and heads for the hills, the baby xenomorph had already become part of horror/sci-fi history. But, unfortunately, as cute as he was upon being born, there was the fact that he would grow to be a towering, slobbering, violent alien creature that took away a bit of his childish innocence. But good lord, he was a cute baby, wasn’t he?

MORE Horror Babies on the NEXT page!



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