Wicked Little Trailer


Click to see it bigger!The final trailer for the last movie to be added to the After Dark Horrorfest, J.S. Cardone’s Wicked Little Things, has finally made itself known over at the Horrorfest’s official site.

The film, which was originally set to be directed by Tobe Hopper under the simple title Zombies, is the story of a recently widowed mother who moves into an inherited home with her two daughters, unaware that her new home is right next door to a mine that was the site of a horrible accident almost a century earlier. The victims of said accident, all little kids, were buried alive and now they’re hungry.

Cardone, you may recall, is the man who inflicted The Forsaken on us many years ago, so we can hold out hope that his hiatus from horror has taught him a thing or two. Check out the trailer right here along with a whole slew of stills from the flick like the one you see here.

Be sure to get your asses out there this weekend to support Horrorfest so it can be the first of many, and click here to listen to my audio interviews with three of the eight directors!

Johnny Butane

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