Ghost Train Too Scary?

For all the creepy ghost stories the county churns out ever year, despite a slowly dying international interest there seems to be no slowing the market, you’d think that by now nothing would freak out the Hong Kong people when it comes to their movies. Apparently someone thinks there is, though.
According to Variety, a set of posters for the November 23rd release of the Japanese film Ghost Train were deemed “too scary” by the MTR (Mass Transit Railway), the company in charge of the country’s mass transit (duh). The first poster, which featured a ghostly child, was out-right rejected so Intercontinental, who are distributing the pic internationally, submitted a toned-down version for use.
But it didn’t stop there. The tagline used on the poster was apparently too frightening for commuters, as well; “To see the haunted truth of the MTR”. Though the film’s not about that railway system specifically, it was easy to get rid of, but the three creepy warnings it offered weren’t; Don’t pick up lost items, Never sit on the last train, Never look at the end of the tunnel when you’re on the subway. I guess the poster’s just going to be a picture of a train and the title?
I looked all over for the forbidden posters but to no avail, but I did find a badass English-subtitled trailer for the film thanks to the boys at Twitch Film, which you can check out right here. I have to admit for being yet another Asian ghost story, Ghost Train looks creepy as hell. I hope us American’s aren’t so easily scared when it gets released/remade here!
Hope this one isn’t as generic as it’s title in our forums!