Sivertson Kills Lohan


Lohan to find out Who Killed MeFrom working on low-budget Jack Ketchum adaptations to dealing with Lindsay Lohan; I can’t decide if I’m jealous of or feel sympathy for Chris Sivertson.

The helmer of the much-praised Ketchum adaptation The Lost (review), Sivertson’s next project is a film called Who Killed Me, which Production Weekly learned is also next for starlet Lindsay Lohan (pictured, duh).

It’s good to see the girl taking some chances; Killed is about a girl named Aubrey who is kidnapped and mutilated. When she regains consciousness, minus a hand and a leg, she believes herself to be her own twin, Dakota, and now must save both Aubrey and herself while trying to figure out once and for all who is who.

Hopefully we’ll have more on the project soon, but needless to say big congrats go out to Siverston for what I’m sure will be a very high-profile project!

Johnny Butane

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