DVD Release List: A Bit of a Letdown


Not too much great stuff coming at ya on November 7th, 2006…

Click to see it bigger!Blood Tea & Red String (2006)
Directed by Christiane Cegavske

Though we missed it at Fantasia this year, a lot of good buzz surrounded this horrific stop-motion fairy tale so I’m excited it’s on DVD so soon. Free of dialogue, Blood Tea is the story of White Mice and the Creatures Who Dwell Under the Oak, who fight over a doll that both groups desire with all their hearts. The mice commissioned the Creatures to create the doll, but once it was done the Creatures could not part with it, and a blood-drenched battle between the groups ensues. Now that’s something you need to check out! Buy it here!

Branded on DVD!Branded (2005)
Directed by Darla Enlow

All right, I would really like to be able to give you guys a nice, clear idea of what this movie is about, but the synopsis on Brain Damage’s site is vague to say the least. Apparently it’s about a man who discovers that someone has been manipulating his every move, drawing him deeper into a world of sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll. And that man is … Keith Richards! No, not really, but that would be cool wouldn’t it? When he finds out who it is, he realizes they’re now connected and, as the official synopsis says, death is connected to them. Huh? Buy it here!

Click to see it bigger!Curse of Pirate Death (2006)
Directed by Dennis Devine

150 years ago a horrible pirate who became known as Pirate Death slaughtered hundreds of men, women, and children to protect his precious treasure. Now it’s present day and a group of (surprise!) college students go researching their own pirate heritage and try to uncover the location of Pirate Death’s infamous treasure. Needless to say things don’t go well for them. Buy it here!

Click to see it bigger!The Forest (1982)
Directed by Donald M. Jones

Deep in the California wilderness, two hapless campers, Sharon and Teddy, are pursued by a knife-wielding cannibal who’s looking to add to his food supply. Hey, a guy’s gotta eat, right? Right. After they meet up with the killer and learn his horrifying story, Sharon teams up with the ghosts of the madman’s two dead children to try and bring his to an end once and for all. Buy it here!

Click to see it bigger!Freak Out (2005)
Directed by Christian James

It’s pretty rare for a UK horror/comedy to get such a massive release in the US, but apparently the hype surrounding Freak Out for the past few years has been justified. Anchor Bay has compiled a massive two-disc set for the comedy about two losers who decide to train an escaped mental patient to be their very own psycho killer, but when the madman actually gets a taste for blood, these two idiots are the only things that can stop him. The set comes with two commentaries, deleted scenes, making-of featurettes and a ton more! Check out Kryten’s DVD review for more! Buy it here!

Click to see it bigger!Jekyll + Hyde (2005)
Directed by Nick Stillwell

Robert Louis Stevenson must be doing backflips in his grave. A new interpretation of his classic tale finds two medical students, Mary and Jay, experimenting with an ecstasy-like drug that makes their personalities unravel in ways they can’t control. Bizarre video diaries chronicle Jay’s descent into madness as he modifies the drug more and more in order to get the ultimate high. Horror ensues. Perhaps it’s not as bad as it may sound, though, or so says Melissa in her review. Stranger things have happened! Buy it here!

Click to see it bigger!Night (2003)
Directed by Byron C. Miller

When a cop gets involved in the local vampire underground, he shuns his duties to protect and serve and starts killing and drinking blood instead. Damn police corruption. His best friend and fellow detective is on the hunt for the rogue cop and is forced to descend into a labyrinthine world of bloodsuckers in order to try and save his friend, and he’ll stop at nothing until his colleague is safe and sound. Check out my review of Night for more! Buy it here!

Click to see it bigger!The Seduction (1982)
Directed by David Schmoeller

If this movie is significant for no other reason, it’s that it was the first time adolescent boys of the 80s got to witness the glory and the wonder that was Morgan Fairchild. I say was because, well she’s not so great these days. Anyway, Fairchild plays a TV reporter who is stalked by an obsessed fan, one whom both her lover and the cops are unable to stop. She becomes trapped and forced to fight back with whatever weapons are at hand. Be sure to read Kryten’s DVD review for more! Buy it here!

Click to see it bigger!Zeiram (1994)
Directed by Keita Amemiva

Two schmoes working at a electrical plan stuble upon an intergalactic bounty hunter named Ilia and her AI sidekick Bob. The two guys are transported to The Zone, where Bob and Ilia have trapped their latest victim, the titular Zeiram, and of course it’s up to the average everyday joes to stop the diabolical blot of Ilia and save the universe. Or something like that. Buy it here!

Johnny Butane

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