New Devil Baby Horror is Born


Man I do love me some stories about freaky devil babies. I can’t really explain why, either; it might have something to do with my religious background (long story), but they always appeal to me more than most.

So when I saw the story over on Twitch this morning with a bunch of new info for a new movie called Born, my ears perked up. One night Mary Elizabeth goes to bed a virgin; the next day she wakes up pregnant. Never a good thing, I don’t care what book you’re reading, and sure enough Mary Elizabeth is possessed with an insatiable lust for blood to keep her baby happy.

The trailer for the film is now up on MySpace, and it’s pretty fucked up – a combination of cool ideas and gore with a bit of cheese mixed in. You can also click here for the film’s official site, which has a bunch of stills like the one you see here (not work safe, I should add) and more info on the movie.

No word on when Born will be out, but we’ll be keeping our eyeballs on it so stay tuned!

Johnny Butane

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