New Mongers Announced

So finally we get a chance to discuss this new series of hour-long films being created under the banner Fearmongers. Even though some people involved with the film have polluted our boards with spam about the series from time to time, it’s still significant and important enough to let you guys know about it.
Following in the footsteps of Masters of Horror, Nick Palumbo and Ryan Nicholson put together a similar concept that will feature the giants of the indie/underground film movement, each of which will direct their own hour-long film. Nekromantik helmer Jorg Buttegereit, Cutting Moments director Douglas Buck, and Manson Family psycho Jim Van Bebber are just a few of the names already signed on, and yesterday Fangoria learned of two more that, frankly, impressed the hell out of me.
First up, Cannibal Holocaust director Ruggero Deodato has signed on and is set to direct the third movie in the series after Ryan and Nick finish theirs. Obviously, Deodato is a huge addition to the roster of directors, marking the first time in years the man has dipped his toe back into our bloody pool. Also on board is Neighborhood Watch-man Graeme Whifler, whose film is set to play Fantasia this week (check out our review of it here).
On the down side, Satan’s Little Helper/Just Before Dawn director Jeff Lieberman has had to bow out of the project due to scheduling issues (not fair), as has Chaos director David DeFalco (slightly more fair). For more on the series and the directors attached to it, hit the official Fearmongers MySpace page right here!
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