Dying Light – Meet Steve, Techland’s New Zombie Consultant

George Romero thinks they should be killed, Lucio Fulci thought that they should die, and Norman Reedus can’t wait to flip them off and disembowel them. But Techland, the creators of the upcoming zombie game Dying Light, have reached a hand of compassion out to our misunderstood comrades and brought one into the fold. Meet Steve, Techland’s new zombie consultant and real life brain-eating walker.
While trying to create the most realistic zombie game possible, Techland asked the zombie community for help. The second they received Steve’s resume, a dismembered hand, they knew he was the one. Steve is a great speller, loves puppies, and, like the undead in the upcoming Dying Light, does his best work at night.
Techland is so enamored with Steve that he has found himself a key element in all parts of the production process. He did motion capture and created the sound effects for Dying Light. Steve will also be appearing in the game so you can give him a hug and tell him what a great job he’s doing.
Thanks to the progressive hiring practices at Techland, Steve has found a real home. Developers at Techland relate lovingly that “Steve’s a big part of the team. He hangs out with us, he does activities with us… he really became a big part of our family.”
You can see the results of Steve’s, and all of Techland’s, hard work on January 27, 2015, when Dying Light debuts on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
In the meantime you can watch Steve’s heartwarming journey below.
To learn more as it is revealed, keep an eye on the Dying Light website and “like” Dying Light on Facebook.

Categorized:Horror Gaming News